Thursday, September 20, 2012

Convention logic

I try to avoid watching political conventions, they are about as useful to good political decision making as watching 20 hours of car commercials is to wise auto shopping. The primary goal of a convention is not to let facts get in the way of building a fan base.

But, to some extent you can't avoid them. The snippits I caught of speeches from the Republican convention were, as with all convention speeches, a continuing string of vague and misleading factual assertions mixed with glittering generalities. 

But, I guess I did get a sense of the Republican argument that Mitt and Paul should be elected. What it comes down to is the Republican's whose screwball policy ideas implemented when they controlled Congress from 1995 to 2007 effectively shot our country in the foot are now trying to blame Obama for the limp - so they can get back into power and continue with the same policies.

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