Donald Trump began using his slogan "Make America Great Again" at least a year and half ago.
Republican tax and government phobic policies have dominated national (and many states) policy for two decades.Republicans have controlled both houses of Congress for 17 of the last 21 years, including the last 4 years. During that time we have had the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression (after 10 continuous years of Republican control) and as we started to recover Republicans again grabbed control and stymied efforts to build on the recovery. In addition Republicans control and have controlled for some time the Governorship and legislature of virtually every state where the "forgotten" workers, who led the states to a Trump victory reside.
Taking the longer view, twice in the last 100 years Republicans obsessed with cutting taxes, government and regulations controlled Congress for a decade, the first ended in the Great Depression, the second in the Great Recession?
Yet during the entire campaign I did not hear one single word in the major media or from the Democratic party or Hillary Clinton asking the simple question "If America is not great, whose fault is it?"
Has ideology blinded us to history? Are we so busy peering into our magnifying glass at the tree in front of us we no longer see the forest?