Friday, October 28, 2011

Republicans and defense spending

Republican Presidential candidates continue talking like cuts in defense spending are off the table, and, astoundingly, not ruling out increases in defense spending.

The relationship Republicans have with defense spending is a lot like the relationship a hypochondriac has with a Doctor.  They always feel threatened and think they need more, no matter how irrational the fear.

I wish someone would ask them some questions like:

Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower (a professional soldier who knew a little about defense) said, as he was leaving office, that we should beware the military-industrial complex.  What did he mean?

How do you explain the fact the average American taxpayer pays nearly $2000 a year in taxes to support Defense spending while the average European (and almost everyone else in the world) pays under $500 a year?  What extra margin of safety are we buying with the additional $1500 per person per year?

What are we protecting by maintaining bases thousands of miles away from our shores?  How does having those bases help protect us from attack?

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